Not allowed on board

Safety regulations do not allow passengers to carry in their luggage and belongings taken into the cabin:

  • Огнестрельное оружие

    Firearms, hunting cartridges, explosives, fireworks, flares

  • Окисленные материалы

    Oxidized materials and organic peroxides, bleaching agents and fibreglass repair kits

  • Сжатые газы

    Compressed gases, butane, oxygen, propane and scuba tanks

  • Яды

    Poisons, insecticides, herbicides, arsenic, cyanides, infective agents, bacteria, viruses

  • Едкие вещества

    Corrosive substances, mercury, acids, alkalis, liquid battery cell

  • Легковоспламеняющиеся жидкости

    Flammable liquids and solids, gasoline for lighters and cookers, paint and all types of matches

  • Радиоактивные материалы

    Radioactive materials

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