
You can buy a ticket for the Aeroexpress high-speed train between Moscow Domodedovo Airport and Paveletskiy railway station while booking your flight ticket on our website. Journey time is 35-40 minutes.

How to buy a ticket on Aeroexpress

You can add Aeroexpress tickets to your order when purchasing a ticket or later in My bookings section. All travel parameters (direction, date and number of tickets) will be calculated automatically according to the conditions of your flight.

The price of a single trip for one adult in the Standard fare is 450 ₽. Tickets for children under 7 years old are free of charge.

Aeroexpress Standard fare ticket is valid for 30 days from the date indicated on the ticket. Seat is not fixed.

Aeroexpress ticket will be sent to your indicated e-mail after payment along with other order documents.

Learn about Aeroexpress transportation rules at

View the schedule of trains to/from Domodedovo airport on this link.

Please note! This service cannot be returned or exchanged!

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